Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Note for Tuesday, March 6

Hi all. My apologies for not showing up today, I'm very under the weather – feeling like death warmed over, pretty much, but I picked up some antibiotics and will definitely be there this thursday, even if I'm still feeling crummy, so we can have a decent check-in before spring break.

I was going to have you look at each others' two-page spreads today, so we could all get some ideas, and you could get some feedback on your designs. Instead, I'll just have you push on and continue to work on your six pages. It would be great if you could have all six pages laid out by the beginning of next class, and then we'll look at your work on Thursday. I'm sure I'll have tweaks and changes from there – I want to be really focused on the text/image balance, and the layout of the text in particular. I have a couple more things to share about InDesign, which I'll do Thursday, towards that end.

There is a link on the left sidebar to this blog that has some online InDesign reference. I'd recommend you show your current work to whoever sitting next to you, to get some feedback in process. Again, sorry to not be there today, but have a good work period – I'm looking forward to seeing your pages on Thursday.

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